How to Make Someone Propose to you - Send A Hint
Send a hint
Send A Hint - Valentines Day Proposal Credit - Kyle Ingram Photography-96

How to Make Someone Propose to you - Send A Hint

Is it time for your partner (or someone else you know) to propose but they need some proposal inspiration? Well, we can help you, to help them.

Ready to send a Proposal hint?

How sending a proposal hint works:

  1. Give us all the info we need by filling out the hint form below ↓
  2. Based on your preference, we will customise our hint style to be either:
    – Secret (we will send a fun email with our services and will NOT mention who asked us to send it*) OR
    – Direct (we will send a fun email with our services and WILL mention that you playfully asked us to send it)
  3. We will then sit back and wait to hear from the recipient, so we can start helping them with the perfect proposal

What you should know about our proposal hint discretion:

  1. We won’t tell them how we got their details, if you select the secret option*
  2. We won’t let you know if they end up engaging our services – we don’t want to ruin the surprise if it all goes ahead!
  3. Only one hint email will be sent off to them, showcasing our services (nothing more than that, don’t worry)
  4. We are a unique and customised marriage proposal planning service and we do not offer set packages
  5. The type of custom proposals we create start from a minimum of AU$1,000
  6. We are based in Sydney, but have teams all over Australia and plan events across the world

Let’s have some fun and give someone a helping hand 

Tania + Gloria

You’ll need to fill out each of the parts below


What style of hint do you want to send?

*NOTE: Due to privacy laws, if the recipient insists on knowing where we attained their email, we will need to let them know.

Check out our past proposals